Living Inspired- My New Blog

Living Inspired- My New Blog

Hello and Happy New Year!  I hope your holidays were fantastic!! Now it’s time to embrace a new year full of inspiration, hope, and love!  I don’t know about you, but a HUGE health kick has started, effective immediately;)

I am so excited to share the start of my new blog, Living Inspired.

I am thrilled to be kicking off 2018 with my first post. 

This blog is about what inspires me and fuels my creativity and happiness.  Perhaps it can inspire you, too?  

 As the blog develops, it will encompass 3 categories:

  1. My journey following my joy which led me to making art and the leaps of faith I’ve taken along the way to make it a full time career. I am not going to lie, it is a hustle. Being self employed, even if it's something you love, is a lot of work! My brain goes 100 miles an hour most days and times! But I would not trade it for the world.  More on this to come! 
  1. My travels! A huge part of my 2018 is going to be focused on a new travel series that I have been working on, Bon Voyage.  I was bitten hard by the travel bug in 1995, and since then, I have taken numerous trips overseas, some of them solo, buying one way tickets and traveling without an itinerary for months at a time.  I have also taken many shorter two week or even shorter trips with significant others, friends, etc. In the future blog posts,  I will share tips on how I travel on a budget and share some of my favorite countries and stories.  I will taking a solo trip to Spain (Barcelona and Granada)  next month in February 2018 for 12 days and my plan is to do it under $2000 including airfare.    More on this to come!
  1. DIY Interior Design. I am a certified interior designer and although my days of working away in a depressing cubicle, drafting on Autocad are over, (I worked in the industry many years), I am still very passionate about Interior Design and sprucing up my own home – on a dime! This is more “decorating” than interior design and I will share low cost ways to bring some extra bling into your home.   More on this to come.


Stay tuned for my next post, how to make a Living Inspired Journal. 



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